2010 in review

2 01 2011

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 5,000 times in 2010. That’s about 12 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 48 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 345 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 366mb. That’s about 7 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was May 29th with 154 views. The most popular post that day was untitled.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were johnstrange.com, twitter.com, ecmp355.ning.com, google.ca, and facebook.com.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for morgan bayda, jeopardy labs, self portraits grade 2, geometric portraits, and “morgan bayda”.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


untitled February 2010


An Open Letter To Educators February 2010


Who I Am January 2010


I Believe… (Philosophy) February 2010


Resume February 2010

Pictures and Projects

27 06 2010

My first experience with volunteer travel was nothing short of incredible.  It is so fulfilling to be able to participate in such a wide variety of projects that contribute to healthy, happy communities as well as sustainable living.  I was able to plant, grow, build, harvest, teach, sew, lift, dig, paint, research, cook, clean, connect and play.  Doing the work alongside others is a big reward.  I wish I was able to capture more of the projects and processes on film.  However, being there in the moment is enough to remember.  Work hard, play hard and keep your eyes wide open the whole time!

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Pictures and People

27 06 2010

Meeting people from the United States, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Bulgaria, and, of course, Costa Rica, opened my eyes to new ideas and ways of living and laughing.

The best things I am taking home from Costa Rica are not souvenirs, crafts, or even (gasp!)  coffee beans, but are links and connections to lives being lived all over the world.  I get excited each time I think about staying in touch with the friends I made in Costa Rica, and continuing to grow and learn through travel.

Ranch volunteers getting ready to teach a lesson at the elementary school

Basketball at the Salon (community centre)

With Fernando, Kattia and their grandson, the extremely generous Ticos who hosted me on my first night and helped me get to Mastatal.

Friends from Germany and the United States at the Wide Mouth Frog Backpackers Hostel in Quepos

Ranch volunteers preparing for the long hike home from the bus stop in the rain

Friends in the Hankey House

A surprise visit from a Mastatal student

Two students, C and M, visit the Ranch for some afternoon fun

Mastatal's Galacticos get ready for the big soccer game

A full kitchen!

Practicing Spanish with a frequently visiting neighbour and farmer

Posing with the Soda owner and Ranch confidant who answered my thousand questions patiently and walked me through the forest.

In San Jose with a friend from La Tortuga Feliz

Meeting friends from Britain, New Zealand, New York and Australia at La Tortuga Feliz!

Pictures and Places

27 06 2010

Thanks so much to all those of you who have been following my travels through my blog!  It means a lot to me to be able to share experiences and thoughts.  It has been a great way to connect and keep in touch while in far away places.

The time has finally come to get some pictures out there!  If you live anywhere within a near radius of where I live, chances are you’ve already sat through these.  If you haven’t, then in the next few posts you will find slideshows of the places, people, and projects that filled my trip to Costa Rica.

Thanks again and enjoy!

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To the end of that beach and back

21 06 2010

From Saturday-

I think if I eat one more coconut or drink the juice of one more pipa, I may have an issue.  I cannot resist honing my machete skills with the huge, husky cocnuts that fall from the trees (look out!) here in spades.  I have shamefully used coconut to help ease me out of the mango dependence I developed in Mastatal…I can only hope something just as splendid and healthy can take over when I get home.  Hmmm…lets see…multigrain cheerios?  Now that is a craving I could stand to satisfy!

Time, as predicted, has flown by for me at La Tortuga Feliz, on this island that has a local community, but has no name.  Endless opportunities for reflection exist around every corner – while guarding the hatchery at night, or just as the sun peaks up (if you are not busy relocating and digging a green turtle nest of releasing leatherback babies), during the 14 km of beach walking in total darkness each night patrolling for turtles, during yoga in the morning, beach time in the afternoon, or a gentle kayak down the canal that splits the island.  There has been no shortage of time to think, and I am still happy to say that I will be leaving Costa Rica with more questions than answers.  A wise and good humored physics teacher taught me repeatedly that there is no better way than the one full of wonder.

Speaking of wonder makes me think of the awe I am still in from my first encounter with a full grown, 1.7 metre long, leatherback turtle nesting.  A dinosaur in a trance, focused solely on the 100- some eggs she has carried  gently up from the sea, dragging her massive body across the sand with incredible strength and determination.  It is determination you can see right from the first day in a turtle´s life, when it crawls up from the nest and arrives at the surface, however exhausted, it´s flippers start propelling relentlessly.  It is going to reach that ocean!

It has been very peaceful working with turtles this past week, however physically exhausting and sleep deprived.  Young or old, you have this moment with a baby or a mother, and you know they are both coming from, and about to set off on, an incredible adventure, being tested by about a zillion obstacles along the way.  The one thing that does get in the way of peace is the poachers.  Turtle poaching (all kinds for their eggs, and green turtles for their meat) is a long tradition here and, though illegal, is still abound.  Many times I have walked past a group of poachers on the beach at night…and the rule is whoever gets to the turtle first gets to work with it, either to save it or poach it.  It is sad, but a lot of progress has been made in the community.  All of the project´s local guides, who accompany volunteers on beach patrols, used to be poachers.  Instead, they now can make a living by doing just the opposite.

The ocean tides certainly have a way of pulling things out of a person.  Each time they sweep inward, it is as though they seep inside me and tug out of me a new thought, question or emotion on the way back out.  So as much as I have been thinking in the past week, I have been feeling more.  It is sort of like a midnight beach patrol…without light and the ability to see, your senses end up turning inward instead.  Feeling my way in total darkness, I always make it to the end of that beach and back.

So, while I leave Costa Rica (tuesday morning) with more questions than answers, I also leave with more feeling, more emotional direction, than either of those put together.  The greatest thing Costa Rica has probably given me is a new sense of posibility…the absolute knowledge that doors are opening for me in all directions, all the time…that my life is made of choices.

My life to yours, and yours, and yours

13 06 2010

The time vortex that, it seems, is Costa Rica, has swept over me again, as I find myself entering the last week of my time (this time around) in Costa Rica.  I have officially departed from Mastatal, onward to the big city, where I immediately got lost, sore, and tired.  As if I could ever have room within my heart to appreciate Masatal even more than I already do.  Or so I thought until this morning, when I found myself already longing for the easy, clean, natural, supportive atmosphere I have so recently surfaced from.  I did manage to make the switch in my mind though:  Surfacing from the easy, clean, supportive atmosphere is okay, because I will soon be ready to plunge back into the one waiting for me at home.

My last day in Mastatal was carried out masterfully.  Between the localvore harvest and meal (carmelized squash stratta, various garden greens in kombucha vinegar dressing, mango-lime-coconut-mint salad, and freshly squeezed starfruit juice) I cooked with Carolyn and adorable two year old Soledad, the World Cup games watched with an earnest mix of Ranch visitors and local Ticos at Kattia’s house, the beautiful sunny morning and gently rainy afternoon, and the final conversations and circle time that left me brimming with good energy, I had no short supply of wonderful memories to coast on as I rode the rocky bus out of the Puriscal region early this morning.  Looking out the window and taking a breath, I managed to identify the reason for the big smile spreading across my face.  Someone told me that to be loved is to feel the sun from both sides, which I guess is how I felt this morning.  I kept thinking about the love and support that surround me at home, and the amazing people there that have shaped me and will continue to shape me my whole life, while simultaneously celebrating the building of a new place within my life that is there for me too.  I guess it’s kind of like, if I were playing that game of trust where you close your eyes and spread out your arms and let yourself fall backward into (fingers crossed) a friend’s waiting arms, someone would definitely be there to catch me.  Eyes closed.  Plunging in.

I was reminded of theories of how people solve problems in their dreams when, the night before last, I spontaneously woke up at 2:00 am, wrote a poem, and went right back to sleep.  I had been struggling to try to come up with a message to leave with the Rancho that would adequately express the imprint that the past month, and the people that graced it, will leave within me.  The poem is about circle time, the moment that we all take to breath before digging into a delicious supper each night.  Holding hands, lights off except for the candles, anyone can share anything, or nothing.  Usually it ends up being a time of thank yous spoken, for the days work, for a listening ear, or for a really great joke.  The time it gives you to wind down really ends up being a time to appreciate the day you’ve just had, to laugh, de-stress, and be grateful.  It is beautiful, and is one of the spaces that has taught me the most in the past month.

With much to think about in the next week, I am departing from San Jose (another story for another time) in the morning for an obscure-but-definitely-there-island on the central Caribbean coast to get a taste of working with endangered turtles, before slipping back into Canada the following week, before you, or I, even know it.  With no means of outside communication, it should be a great time to look inward and onward and figure out just what on Earth it is that this stunning country has taught me. Looking forward to sharing pictures and stories from the comfy quarters of my home space.

Hasta luego, Mastatal, or as my friend Carolyn would say, hasta la pasta!

Circle Time

Palms to palms

My prints to yours,

And yours, and yours, and yours, and yours.

Lock souls instead of eyes,

Lock time, stop.

Stop thinking locked thoughts,

Stop stopping.

Lock into step, in rhythm

My breath to yours,

And yours, and yours, and yours, and yours.

Lock hearts, minds,

But not locked into anything, really…


Possibility seeps between us

And weaves in stitch our fingers,

My life to yours,

And yours, and yours, and yours, and yours.

A typical Day in Mastatal

31 05 2010

Maybe by now you are asking yourself…what is it that Morgan is actually doing in Costa Rica?  Tough question, actually…try what am I not doing?  At least that is how I feel sometimes.  I learn to do something new every day whether it is in the kitchen, in the  gardens, on the goat slope, on jungle trails, in the local school, Spanish lessons at Siempre Verde, Spanish lessons absolutely everywhere else all the time, building with earthen materials, and other things I maybe cannot even name they are so new. 

So, even though I might describe the average day at Rancho Mastatal as anything but typical (for me), that is how I will try to describe it to you. 

A Typical Day in Mastatal


Wake up…rooster, sun, or both.



Make breakfast for the masses (pretty small masses right now): Kiefer (make a new batch and re-start the bacteria culture for tomorrow), fresh mango, fresh papaya, a new pineapple from the plant near the gate.  Eggs or homemade bread leftover from baking day, or a quiche.  Gallos pinto, homemade granolla – the works.  Eat together, wake up for real this time.



Morning meeting: Gather as a group and record the rainfall, report on yesterdays activities, decide what needs to be done for the day and what is most important.



This is where the typical is lost on me.  Any of about a zillion things could occupy the next few hours.  What needs to be done?

Do some daubing on the coming biodigester (which convets composted human waste into usable methane gas for cooking in the kitchen).  Daubing is a type of earthen building, a mix of manure, sand, clay and straw that is plastered in bricks on top of a bamboo weave to build sturdy, beautiful, and very sustainable structures.


Construct new shade tents for the weeny new black pepper, pineapple, quail grass, coconut, yucca and giner plants in the front gardens out of bamboo, cloth and old rice bags. 


Harvest the ash from yesterdays paper burn and add it to the biochar pit, where it will dry out and break down to be used for plant fertalizer. 


Harvest quail grass, coconut, starfruit, lemons, cas, mangoes, pineapple, avocado, ginger, as they ripen.


Help feed the goats or set them out to graze, or collect eggs from the chickens.


On baking day, use the sourdough starter to make bread and bagels from scratch in the cob oven (more earth building).


Invent a new tool for harvesting the small red berries of the cereza tree that grow up high.


Replenish the sawdust in the composting toilets.


Visit the local elementary school (at least twice each week) and give a lesson on English, art, drama, science, conservation or weather, or just make friends and play games.


Put out the freshly cut straw to dry in the sun, and be ready to wrap it up and cover it when the rains set in.


Collect grass clippings from around the town for the compost piles.




Lunchy lunch!  Handmade tortillas with refried frioles negros, avocado, pineapple salsa, local cheese.  A delicious cuban soup…roasted squash from the gardens, and homemade mayonaise, hot sauce and sauerkraut. 



More choices…what else needs to be done?

Plant the seedlings from the nursery. 


Make soap.


Collect the cream from the milk pasteurized on the stove in the morning and whip it into butter.


Spanish lessons at Siempre Verde.


Weed the many gardens.


Cut old glass pop bottles into drinking glasses.



Hike to the waterfall or swimming hole, draw, write, paint, get your butt kicked in soccer by seven year old athletic geniuses. 

Burp the starfruit, cambucha or banana vinegars fermenting, and check on the fermenting ginger beer starter.




Circle time.  Gather around the table, turn off the lights.  Hold hands and say a thank you for the days work, share a story, say goodbye to people on their way out or welcome to those on their way in.  Buen Provecho.


Supper:  Homemade bagels with a zillion yummy toppings, or stratta, a delicious cheezy bread pudding.  Whatever it is, it will surely be delicious. 




Music, stories, reading…sleeping – so sleepy – bed.


Though I sincerely believe that all of the projects, including routine maintenance, that happen at Rancho Mastatal are beneficial, sustainable, and pure of heart, the most exciting projects are those that you can see directly affecting the community.  For example, work on the cob bus stop bench where many women wait to catch the bus each morning but have never had a spot to sit.  For example, school visits and lessons in the one room elementary school.  For example, the construction on the towns first library that will start this week or the next. 


I feel fully engrossed in being here, and yet I think of home often and cannot wait to be able to use more than just the one word bridge of my blog to describe Costa Rica through my eyes.  Although, I must learn to start pronouncing my Rs with more vigor, as the standard answer to the “where are you from?” question (Regina, obviously) is netting a little too much laugher these days. 


Talk soon,




Word Bridge

31 05 2010

It seems profoundly strange to realize that I have been in this country for little over two and and half weeks. Already I feel like I am part of a routine here, a smooth and fluid lifestyle that I am getting used to for my time here – but in reality am only just beginning.

Blogging has become more of a challenge while travelling than I originally anticipated. And not only (but most definitely in part) because of the issues of finding time, finding working internet, being able to navigate the net in Spanish, and composing nearly an entire post before experiencing techno-fatal power losses that cause all of those words to be lost somewhere in the great cyber abyss. I feel like I have struggled to blog and email lately for a deeper reason. I feel as though there is a disconnect between my words and thoughts, descriptions and feelings, reports and daily experiences. When what I want to say in reality might be to describe what it feels like to wake up with the sun bathing you from both sides, no walls or physical barriers between itself and you…what comes out is more like “I am doing great.  The weather has been sunny.”  Or, what I want to say might be that when I was surprised by a tarantula yesterday, a scorpian the day before, and several magnificent spiders each week, I could not help but marvel at the beauty of their existence, the strength and cunning packed into their tiny statures.  But instead, what comes out sounds more like “I saw a tarantula…eeeek!”.  I wish I could just transmit emotions, experiences and lessons to you all through some sort of wacky, long distance osmosis.  That you could hear the cicadas, whooping frogs, the constant sounds of the forest cycle that are surrounding me now as I pre-write this entry from underneath my mosquito net tonight.  That when I tasted my first sancoya fruit this afternoon (honest to goodness it is like someone made a delicious cream custard and injected it into an earthen pokemon ball), you would just know the quirky, smooth texture and light, refreshing taste of it. 

What I am trying to change is the feeling that it is the words that can seem to come in the way of understanding, and decide that, instead, carefully chosen words might be more of a bridge.  I think what makes like so important are the ways in which you share it.  And since osmosis does not always kick in just wen you need it, word bridges and, later, pictures will have to do the trick.

Even though I am tavelling and so this may not seem to be quite true, my experiences here are largely about routines.  The smooth, natural rhythms that guide the day – waking with the sun and growing tired with the setting of it, planting, harvesting and eating foods at just the right intervals, tuning your body in step with the cycles that come along with caring for animals, the local neighbours you greet the same way each morning when you pass at a certain (i.e. the only) corner, the multigenerational soccer games that seem to materialize here like clockwork. 

That is why I feel the disconnect when my emails come out as reports, because you don‘t report on natural routies and rhythms, you live them, and you share them. 

I am still searching for the best ways to share what I am learning with you…but in the meantime, share what you are learning with me too, okay?




Boasting about Coasting

22 05 2010

In the few days since my last post,I feel like weeks have gone by!
Here’s a smattering of updates on what is going here. A tour I took at the local Iguana Chocolate Factory was quite interesting. The chocolate factory in Mastatal looks less like a factory and more like a couple of buildings with no walls, some big drying racks for the beans made out of old screen doors, and a grinder/roaster made out of metal scraps. Apparently only 2% of the cocoa trees yield fruits usable for making chocolate, so it is a lot of work for not much profit. They still kindly wanted me to taste all of the different kinds they make, including ginger, cashew, and vanilla made from plants also grown in their own yard. The owner of the factory stops by Rancho Mastatal a couple of times each week to sell chocolate, so I’m sure I will get my fill before long!

After making supper one night (Rumpletethumps with beans and salad greens from the garden with homemade croutons), I have decided that I’m going to learn a lot about cooking while I’m here, and cooking with interesting ingredients and methods at that. A hike through the jungle with a local, Chapo, who agreed to show me around, and a trip to the Mastatal elementary school capped off my last few days in Mastatal nicely. I am slowly getting to know the other volunteers and it feels good to be able to make some friends here.

Thursday I decided to take a trip to the coast, and so here I am in Quepos, fifteen minutes from the beautiful national park Manuel Antonio, which is a picturesque combination of jungle, serene beaches, monkeys, sloths, and iguanas. I stopped by the park yesterday and saw my first sloth and some howler monkeys! Although tempted to explore more, I was seduced by a stunning beach, la Playa Espadilla Sur, and could not resist a few hours in its waves and on its shores. More beach today, and then back to the jungle tomorrow for some more wildlife spotting.

In other news, I experienced my first earthquake! A 6.2 quake hit just a few kilometers from Quepos on Thursday, scaring me silly, especially when it started storming enough to flood the streets immediately after. It was nice to be in the hostel at least, with some other friendly people. Though I can admit I was nervous, I have officially decided that I am glad I was here for the earthquake, as it is not an experience many Canadians have. (I say that…but if there is another one today then so-help-me I am outa here!)

My first experience in a hostel is going really well. It is so interesting to meet people from all over the world, made easier by the fact that almost all of them speak English in addition to their first language. There are many people from Germany here, some from Denmark, Holland, and Ireland, and a few people also from the United States and Canada.

Sunday I head back to Mastatal, and Monday I start Spanish lessons and volunteering officially. I can’t wait to start lending a hand and getting involved in the interesting projects that are abound at the Rancho and in the town. More on that to come.

It feels like I have been gone a long time, yet it has only been a week! Wow. Time is a crazy phenomenon I think I may never quite understand.

I hope all is well in your lives as well! I hope to get some pictures up in the next while, but we’ll see how that goes.

Ciao for now!


17 05 2010


I have arrived in Mastatal safely and there is so much happening (without seeming like it) around me it is taking me a long time to really absorb my surroundings. Fruit trees (papaya, mango, cashew…) are absolutely everywhere.  Nearly everything around me is natural…from the bamboo and wattle and daub structures to the recycled glass mosaics to the outdoor showers with a back wall made of steep jungle forest.  The thing that seems to come most naturally, though, is the calm, confident, peaceful nature of the people around me.

The word of the day is “tranquillo”.  The kind woman who sheltered and fed me my first night in Costa Rica used it often to insist that I relax and sit back.  “Should I take off my shoes?” “tranquillo, tranquillo”. And when I offered to sit in the back seat of a car I shared with the drivers friend… “tranquillo, tranquillo” (and then handed me a mango or three as a welcoming present).  It describes the whole atmosphere of this place.  Calm, friendy, and tranquil.  I”m learning little by little to go slower.

I wish I had remembered my “tranquillo” lesson last night, as I spent my first night alone in the forest in what is basically a big (and beautiful) bamboo tree fort.  Simple, I thought.  Set up the mosquito net.  Turn out the light.  Sleep.  Harmless but enormous bugs, a couple of harmless but startling lizzards, and a few harmless but suprisingly swift and directionally confused birds later, and the night began with me curled in a pretty tight ball, shivering and listening to the sounds of birds, cicadas, insects, ocassional bursts of stored water crashing through the trees, and a couple of giant wooping toads cooing back and forth.  I guess fright must be pretty tiring though, because soon I was out like a light, and I even managed to awake unscathed and alive the next morning with the sunrise.  It is probably a good thing I was alone because the amount of “freak out” I managed to demonstrate likely would have been embarassing to those more accustomed to nights here.  I”m ready to brave it again, though, now that I know I will surely see the morning sooner if I just remember to be “tranquilo”.  It”s something I know I am sure to learn with great depth in the next few weeks.  I feel far from home.  But I am surrounded by so many loving homes that the peace I need to learn more about is sure to find me, given some time.

I cannot wait to see what the coming few weeks bring.  For now, I”ll take the days as they come, with what they bring.

Ciao amigos!